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with hashtag #dancefestivalGR #skopelos #spyrouhotels
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Find your inspiration in the third Folk Dance Festival “Diamantis Palaiologos”
Takepicturesofthefestival’smagicwithyourphone, tabletorcamera(preparation, backstage, performance, audience, volunteers, organisers, participants, etc.)
Upload your photographs with the hashtags:#dancefestivalGR #skopelos #spyrouhotels
Upload as many photographs as you can between 16/08 and 27/08
Collectas many likes, shares and retweets as you can
Win your tickets and your stay at the Elios Holiday Hotel during the 2016 Festival for 2 people
Terms and conditions:
All participants, visitors and permanent residents of the island can take part in thecontest
The photographs must have all 3 hashtags: #dancefestivalGR #skopelos #spyrouhotels to be eligible for the contest
Only the photographsuploadedbetween 16/08/2015 at 00.01 and 27/08/2015 at 23:55 willbeeligibletoparticipate
After the end of the contest, the shares of each photo graphin social media will be counted, as well as the general activity, and the photo graph with the most activity (likes, shares, retweets) willwinthecontest
The winner of the contest will be notified through the social media he or she participates in the contest with
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